Oklahoma Mesonet Fall Pass 2002 Other Findings

A number of problems with sensors were found during Fall Pass 2002. The following is a summary of the instances when the technician identified conditions at a station that may affect data quality.

1. Effects of insects on sensors

Cocoons, spider webs and mud dauber nests were found covering various sensors. Each sensor was cleaned and the data was investigated to determine if QA flags were necessary.

FTCB T&RH sensor on 29 November 2002

WASH IRT on 21 November 2002

BURB TA15 sensor on 13 November 2002

2. Bare plots found not bare

The bare plots at 5 stations were found to be covered with vegetation. In each instance, the sod was removed from the plot and/or sterilant was applied. The soil temperature data were manually inspected and flagged in Qualparm if deemed suspect.

ALTU Bare Plot on 06 November 2002

BEEX Bare Plot on 10 December 2002

MEDF Bare Plot on 17 October 2002

PAUL Bare Plot on 07 November 2002

SULP Bare Plot on 16 October 2002

3. Raindrops and radiometers

Water droplets (from rain, drizzle or dew) can impact the data from both domed and domeless net radiometers. With domeless radiometers, such as the NR-Lite shown below, the measured incoming longwave radiation is actually the longwave radiation emitted by the cool raindrops, rather than the emitted radiation from the atmosphere. For those who are interested in delving a bit deeper into this and other issues with net radiometers, there is an excellent article: Brotzge, J. A., and C. E. Duchon, 2000: A field comparison among a domeless net radiometer, two four-component net radiometers, and a domed net radiometer. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 17, 1569-1582.

CHEY net radiometer on 22 October 2002

4. The weathering of rocks

Students at Gage Junior High School, under the leadership of Ms. Roberta Chance, are performing a Science Fair project to determine how various types of rocks are affected by the elements. Our technicians kindly placed the rocks on the surface of the bare soil plots at 5 of our sites.

MIAM rocks on 06 November 2002

MEDI rocks on 16 October 2002

5. Site visits by Non-Mesonet personnel

Our sites are often visited by those not sanctioned to be near the stations. However, most of these guests are relatively friendly and enjoy having their pictures taken.

BREC visitor on 11 November 2002

BRIS visitor on 02 December 2002

JAYX visitor on 06 November 2002

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